
The Silent Killers – Suffering From Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety is feeling like your friends don’t like you when you haven’t seen them for a while.

Depression is not going out when you have the choice to because you can’t face getting out of bed.

Anxiety is getting angry and frustrated when having to interact with others.

Depression is the crash after a good day when the darkness in your mind decides to come back.

Anxiety is the bad stomach you get when your scared of something that makes you sweat and vomit even when you aren’t ill.

Depression is being unable to stop crying until you become so dehydrated that you have a migraine.

Anxiety is the stammer that keeps you quiet when you need to talk to people.

Depression is the damage on the inside that makes you damage the outside.

Both are the negative voices that speak evil words making you feel unwanted.

This is how it is for me anyway… everyone who suffers is different. 

But everyone is wanted…

It’s just hard to listen to the positive voices when the evil ones keep screaming. 

Racism On Dating Sites

Racism on dating sites is a real issue and those types of women make swiping right on tinder resulting in slightly awkward conversations that assume you’re a racist because you’re a white girl. 

There are still some women out there who won’t date a man because he is black and they actually tell these men that their race is what’s stopping them from dating. This obviously makes these men very insecure and they tend to search for a woman but if they match with a white girl, they hope she is someone who has dated a black man before, as if it makes them feel more secure talking to a woman who has been in an interracial relationship before.

I have spoken to men of a different race to me on apps and my social media and it always results in the same question…

I was puzzled as to why race matters so much. So, obviously I had to ask , at first they denied that it mattered but I stayed persistent and the answer I got was actually really sad…

I don’t understand why someone would match with someone on a dating site if they won’t actually date them due to their race. These men shouldn’t be made to feel like their race is what is stopping them from finding a partner. 

Imagine being so closed minded about race that you miss out on a decent man because of the colour of their skin. Wow, ladies…

Art For New World – Rahel Takle Peirce

In this scary world of Donald Trump and Theresa May, with their fear-mongering antics when it comes to immagration, it’s becoming far too easy to ignore the beauty of diversity and just how talented people from all over the world can be.

Art is something that can take many forms and it varies all across the world.


Rahel Takle Peirce is an award-winning artist based in London. Her art is seen to therapeutic to it’s viewers a it has been said that her work appears to have a “calming and relaxing effect.”

She immigrated from Ethiopia and has spent over 20 years developing her artistic style, using it as a way of surviving in what she describes as her “new world.”

“Every individual geometric design captures the colour, vibrancy and emotion of the moment. Each meticulously hand drawn over days or years.

The artist in her will never leave.” – Ramech Wall Deco

It is truly inspirational that this woman has come so far, turning her passion into a career in attempted to escape troubled lands.

Her art is truly unique and is a worthy example of the benefits that immigration can have on this country. It also shows her to be a great role model as a survivor, rather than becoming a victim of her past.

Most recently her work has been exhibited in Luxury Made, Olympia, London, back in September 2016 where she showcased the majority of her work.

She sells her unique designs online at Ramech Wall Deco and her work has been exhibited in many places such as:

  • The Kowalsky Gallery, London, August 2007

  • Solo Exhibition at Stoke Place Hotel, Buckinghamshire, November 2009 

  • Artrom Gallery, Mandala, Unity In Diversity, Rome, Italy, January 2010

  • Ramech-Art article at Tadias Magazine

  • Short listed in The PCG Freelance Consultant Award London, 2010 http://tinyurl.com/lhrwblb

    You can check out more places on her website above and also make enquiries about her products.

Disclaimer: All imagery used in this article has been taken from Ramech Wall Deco, with the permission of Rahel, herself. I do not own the rights to these images and I do not claim to. They are for example purposes only. Thank you!

Journalism Ruined My Love Of Social Media!

As we are currently in the digital age, everyone seems to be more connected with each other through social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter etc. Well, I for one have always been a social media addict as I feel disconnected from the world when I have a lack of internet and find it hard to not spend hours upon hours before bed scrolling through memes that come up on my newsfeed as I tell myself a constant lie that “I will go to bed soon”.

As everyone who reads this blog surely knows that I go to university to study Media and Communications: Journalism and that is where this all started…

Day 1 of Journalism in Practice seminars offered me a window into how it would ruin my whole social media experience…

“You are all using Twitter wrong” – Ross Hawkes

How can you use Twitter wrong? – That’s a good question and it’s the same naive question I asked myself when he said that.

Basically, we need to use lists on Twitter to find leads for stories and obviously with production days here and having two deadlines a week, you can best believe that I have monitored lists that’re attached to any news outlet in the west midlands and now… I can’t stop!

Every time I go on Twitter I automatically check for leads… I have become some sort of Journalist robot.

“You always need to have your Journalism brain switched on” – Ross Hawkes

Yes, this has been the best advice anyone has ever given me when getting through production days… but what happens when they’re over? How do I switch off and relax for a bit?

I can’t.

There are some people in the class who don’t seem to be as bothered about the leads and sometimes can’t seem to find any, whereas I have had a few occasions where I have had multiple events in one day and obviously I can’t cover them all.

It hurts my head.

I just want a good nights sleep. And a hot chocolate. Don’t skip out on the whipped cream either.



As if it wasn’t obvious… I’m a nerd and let me just tell you that Doctor Who has been a huge part of my life. I love it. Even when I was a kid, all I would look forward to is to sit with my Gran on a Saturday night and watch Doctor Who – and yes, sometimes when I was a tiny tot I did have nightmares from it but I’d cry and cry if my mother threatened to stop me from watching it.

I don’t know if many of you have been to a Doctor Who experience but I have and loved it but the one I went to closed shortly after. That’s why I’m shouting to my fellow Whovian community to save Cardiff’s Doctor Who experience.

“Ok, I admit: this sounds daft and there are many, many more important things out there we should be petitioning for or against. But not only is ‘Doctor Who’ a global institution, Cardiff’s ‘Doctor Who Experience’ brings much in the way of tourism to an otherwise socioeconomically deprived area, gives local people jobs, does much to improve the economy…and let’s face it: in these dark post-Brexit days, we all need some escapism.” – Bex Ferriday

Sign the petition here

London Bound… Ft. Being Trapped in an Elevator

I’d never been to London before my friend, Ridwan‘s birthday on the 8th October and to say the least, it was an experience and a half.

From stepping off the coach it was fairly easy to notice the dramatic difference in the scenery, mostly due to the sheer scale of the buildings. (And I thought to move from Sunderland to Birmingham back in September was a big leap).

I hopped in a black cab to get to my ibis Hotel in Whitechapel. I usually stay in ibis Budget Hotels when traveling around due to their affordability and quality for the convenience of a short stay.  As I was traveling to my hotel the route took me past many tourist hotspots which I managed to snap from the back seat of the cab without having to suffer the awkward encounters with the crowds of tourists.

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Shortly after my arrival to the Hotel, Ridwan came for a bit of “pre-drinking” and we were insanely drunk before we made it to his party (which lead to me breaking my iPhone 6 Plus – RIP) at Cargo in Shoreditch. This is where I suddenly realized… I was far… far… away from home.


£13.50 for a double vodka and coke… HA HA HA what a joke?!

It was definitely a good thing that I had pre-drinks then. Anyway, the party went on until the early hours of the morning and I met some great people there. Emi and I were certainly dancing queens.

I had such a great night but then the next morning… my worst nightmare happened. I got trapped in an elevator. On the 7th floor. And the man on the emergency line hung up on me.

When I did eventually get back down to the ground floor and out of the lift, I was so shaken that I could hardly tell the women at the reception desk what had happened but they helped calm me down and brought me some chamomile tea before walking me back to my room  because I was too horrified to go back into the lift.

I packed my bags and left for my coach. When all is said and done… it was a thrilling time and I can’t wait to go back!


It’s #NotACompliment to Birmingham Students

Jennens Court residence have been made uncomfortable by men lingering outside the halls to ‘catcall’ young women.

Charis Pardoe said that there is often a black car spotted need the Jennens Court Halls of Residence for Birmingham City University in which a group of men will sit and “shout at girls all the time.”

Catcalling has been an issue that’s spread UK wide through the #NotACompliment campaign that has aimed to get misogynistic acts such as street harassment to be taken more seriously under the category ‘hate crime.’

It has gained success in areas several areas nationwide but is still being dismissed by West Midlands Police.

West Midlands Police stated that ‘catcalling’ among other forms of street harassment ‘is not a crime as it isn’t aggressive. Being attacked because of your race, religion, because you’re gay or have an alternative gender identity is a hate crime.’

Despite it’s apparent “non-aggressive” nature, Birmingham Students have said that it makes them feel unsafe.

“I believe that street harassment should be considered a hate crime because of how offended it makes me feel,” says Vicky Bentley (18), Birmingham City University Student, “Harassment like this could lead to sexual assault.”

. A recent poll done by End Violence Against Women states that 85% of women in the UK have faced unwanted sexual attention between the ages of 18 to 24, 45% of these cases also experienced unwanted sexual contact and the majority of these women had their first ‘catcalling’ experience between the ages of 11 and 17.

As the evidence suggests street harassment has fast become a common problem but the #NotACompliment campaign is still aiming to get the issue taken seriously so that young women are able to walk the streets and feel safe.


10 Things Northern People Learn When Moving South

I am just a girl from Sunderland getting lost in life down south so here are a few things I’ve learned about life as a ‘Northerner’ down here,  since I made the big move a few weeks ago.

1. Your accent is “disgusting”

Everyone down here will be more well-spoken than you and many people won’t be able to understand you because you are ‘common as muck.’

2. Everywhere is more varied with culture

As a girl who comes from a primarily white populated city, coming further south and meeting people from various religions and ethnicities has been fascinating.

3. Everywhere is bigger and richer

The buildings are made bigger, the architecture is so much better – it’s beautiful! Why did I ever live up north?

4. Your slang is another language

No one will understand what you say when you use northern slang but it is hilarious when they try to act like they know what you’re talking about. I met someone who thought the Geordie slang word “radgie” was racist… trust me… it’s really not!

5. It’s less racist!

Everyone should know that the further up north you get, the more racist it gets. I’m happier living in a place where I can make friends with people of all cultures and not have a bunch of working class, white people looking at me like, “why can’t that white girl just be friends with white people?”

6. It’s expensive!

I do miss the cheaper nights out back home. Double Vodka’s and cokes were so cheap in comparison to here. I now have to make sure I get drunk at ‘predrinks’ so I can spend as little as possible when I’m out.

7. Girls get approached anywhere…

The chip shop, the bus stop, the street, McDonald’s… anywhere! It’s happened so many times since I’ve been here. Most people back home just try and ‘pull’ in bars…

8. The nightlife is INSANE!

Nightclubs are huge! They have so many rooms and hold so many events. I just wish that Player’s Bar would stop having the same playlist on repeat every time I go in.

9. Everyone stereotypes you

Here are a few of my favourites:

“So are you a Geordie then?”

No I’m a Mackem, actually.

“So are Northern girls as good in bed as people say they are?”

Who told you this stuff, please?

“Do you like onion gravy? Northern people love that.”

Okay…. I’m sorry but what are you talking about?

10. You’ll have the time of your life!

Although, I do get homesick at times I don’t regret my decision to move.


PCOS Uncensored – My First Period Induction


