
Suicide Vs Homocide statisticsĀ 

Suicide statistics are drastically higher than that of homicide statistics in the UK.

There were 571 homicides (murder, manslaughter and infanticide) in the year ending March 2016 in England and Wales. This represents an increase of 57 offences (11%) from the 514 recorded in the previous year. – Office Of National Statistics

While the number of homicides is still on the rise, it is still at its lowest recorded levels since the 1980s. According to this year’s reports, it is more likely for a woman to be killed by her partner or ex-partner than it would be for a man. Men are said to be most likely to be killed by a ‘friend’ or acquaintance.

Suicide statistics are dramatically higher than that of homicide and is still climbing.

Deaths from suicide in the UK rose slightly from 6,122 deaths in 2014 to 6,188 deaths in 2015 with a subsequent increase in the rate from 10.8 to 10.9 deaths per 100,000 population. – Office of National Statistics

The suicide rate for men in the UK appears to be decreasing but female statistics are at the highest they have been in records from the last decade.

The highest ratings of suicide were recorded to have taken place in Yorkshire and the Humber.

More people are killing themselves than are being killed and it is the same in the US… with cuts to the NHS Mental Health services, this will only be set to rise further.